Self-Compassion — UNTAMED SOUL — Josh Huth


Falling into self-compassion

The difficulty of practicing self-compassion is that it requires you to believe that you're deserving of unconditional love when you don't feel, think, or believe that you deserve it. 

In order to fully receive self-compassion, you have to believe that you're worthy of it.  And to believe that you're worthy of self-love and compassion (when you know that you are an imperfect being) requires faith that what God says about you is truer than your experiences and reality. And the difficulty of faith... 

Is that it requires letting go of everything that gives you comfort and safety.

(Your sense of control, power, reason, wit, intellect... pride.)

So we grow in self-compassion not by intellectual reasoning or mental strength, but by our ability to repeatedly give up and fall into love.

For falling is like faith, in that it isn't a display of intelligence, it's a matter of trust and the ability to let go mentally and spiritually into love.

So you can think and ponder and debate for years your worthiness of love... but, if self-compassion truly is your goal, eventually, you will just have to give in and close your eyes, step out onto the edge of your fear...

and fall.

What does it mean to have empathy for yourself?

***A Definition***
the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to,
and experiencing the present feelings and thoughts within yourself.

self-compassion, self-appreciation, understanding

A thought:
It's hard to find empathy for others when we've yet to learn how to empathize with ourselves.

Self-Empathy in Action:
Try to focus on becoming conscious of how you feel throughout your day.  And as you do, intentionally show empathy and compassion toward the emotions that you uncover lying within yourself today.