Whether our goal is to find a new fitting career path, stop looking at porn, grow in self-awareness, or build a business- at some point on our journey, if we hope to step fully into who we were made to be, we're going to have to create.
We're going to have to look within, face our fears, give our emotions a voice, and create something beautiful to share with the world that goes beyond career, craft, and artistic medium, and make, as Seth Godin beautifully defines in the quote below, art:
"Art is an original gift, a connection that changes the recipient, a human ability to make a difference. Art isn’t a painting or even a poem, it’s something that any of us can do. If you interact with others, you have the platform to create something new—something that changes everything. I call that art.
Kathy Sierra does art when she teaches us about user interfaces, and Mary Ann Davis does art when she pushes the edges of what pottery can become. Art feels risky because it is. The risk the artist takes is that you might not like it, might not be touched, might actually laugh at the effort. And it’s taking these risks that lead us to get rewarded."
So the question is, what art are you making for us?
What do you have to say?
We're listening with anticipation.