Why boredom hurts — Josh Huth

Why boredom hurts

From the outside looking in, when you're bored, nothing is happening, but because silence and stillness gives space for our insecurities and pains to magnify, we often interpret our boredom in a negative way by interpreting our stillness as...

“I’m insignificant.” 

"I'm alone."

“I’m wasting time.” 

"I'm unwanted."

“I should be doing...” 

“I would rather be somewhere else...” 

“I wish I was doing...” 

"I'm a boring person."

"I'm missing out."

"I'm not doing I enough."

These internal messages are created not by our situation, but by us. And when these perceptions form our reality, we call it "boredom."  Therefore, boredom is a form of self-inflicted pain, and such is the reason people resist being bored.

And whenever boredom becomes a problem, it's typically because we've given these voices permission to shape the way we perceive ourselves (as worthless, insignificant, boring, slow, vain, etc.).

So we're never uncomfortable because of our boring situation, we're uncomfortable because of what we believe boredom says about who we are.